Vincent Minier, researcher in astrophysics at CEA, gave a course about the genesis of the solar system at the Université Permanente (Nantes).
This course was recorded, and the produced audiovisal material will be used as the source for our scenario “Emergence of a Scenarized Seminar/Course”. The teacher, with the support of a pedagogical team, will annotate the videos of this first version.
They will be looking for key concepts, elements that need a better definition, good ideas, parts that could be completed (exercises, demonstrations, other resources…).
Based on these annotations, a second improved version of the course will be produced and offered as a MOOC by the Université de Nantes.
![By NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons](wp-content/uploads/2014/02/1024px-Vela_Molecular_Cloud_Ridge.jpg)
By NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons