Summer School CNRS – MOOC et EIAH
During the summer school “MOOC et EIAH” that took place in Brest from 6th to 11th July about 50 people had the chance to exchange around the many themes regarding this new research object we call MOOC.
Apart from the Atelier COCo “De l’amphi au MOOC : annoter les vidéos pour scénariser ?” – that will be discussed here soon, a rapport is being prepared – the main points that drew our attention are:
- The first conference, on Sunday, was about systems unused capacity that is only discovered (or made available) when moved from the physical to the digital world (cf. AirBnB). George Siemens argued that the same happens with humans and that we are still unable to identify this latent capacity on individuals. However, if we could, this would be a great opportunity to enhance learning. Thus the necessity of developing systems where it is possible to classify as well as to declare knowledge.
- The program on Monday was dedicated to questions about pedagogical models, new ways of learning and different teaching approaches with a focus on social learning. Starting with a vivid conference, Marcel Lebrun reminded us of the need to be present when we are learning, to be part of a community. His conference was recorded by COCo and is available here.
- A methodological framework for accompanying MOOCs was presented on Tuesday and we had the opportunity to try TraceMe.
- The problematic around learner’s data were approached the next day. From “I have the data, what do I do now”, to lessons learned and ethics, many questions were raised and without any doubt will be considered within our project.
- On Thursday, it was time to ponder about the context surrounding MOOCs and e- learning. In some way, they complemented many aspects tackled the day before. The key words were observation, adaptation, personalization, appropriation.
- We dedicated the final day to summarize collectively what we learned and to define what we wanted to learn (research clues?).