Digital intelligence
The COCo team was present at DI, an international scientific and interdisciplinary conference dedicated to digital society and cultures, that took place in Nantes from 17-19 September 2014. We had a poster displayed at the poster session, it sparkled some interesting discussions and remarks around the presented scenarios.
There were many inspiring subjects (watch the keynotes here), but we will focus here on the e-education session. On the first presentation Pierre-Yves Oudeyer showed the first results of the « Online Optimization and Personalization of Teaching Sequences« , where he and his colleagues compare the learning outcomes of a learning environment with teaching sequences defined by an expert against one where such sequences are generated by an algorithm.
The second talk was conducted by Simon Carolan and was entitled « Sparking a Digital Revolution: Digital Educational Tools in Fragile and
Emerging Learning Contexts« . After presenting a series of arguments, he states that, even though a lot of progress has been made on technological innovations that facilitate the access to knowledge, we still have to explore some issues surrounding fragile learning contexts. He then proposes some possibilities to achieve a more inclusive digital educational revolution. It’s an ongoing project and we will keep an eye on it!